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Umberto Zagarese

Umberto Zagarese

Born in Padua in 1962 and graduated with honours in Economics at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in 1987.
Member of the Padua Order of Chartered Accountants since 1988 and registered with the Board of Auditors since 1995. Member of the I.F.A. (International Fiscal Association) since 1994, with which he collaborated in the international studies committees.

From 1988 to 2005 he worked as a consultant to the Legal and Tax Consultancy firm Pirola Pennuto Zei e Associati, associated with Coopers & Lybrand International in Milan. He then took over the position of Tax Partner for the Studio Associato Legale e Tributario [Legal and Tax Consultancy firm] associated with Ernst & Young International, and later, Tax Partner of the firm Andersen Legal [Legal and Tax Consultancy] and the Studio Tributario e Societario [Tax and Corporate Finance firm], member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.

He provides consulting services on taxation and corporate finance in the private sector. He provides consultancy services to Italian and foreign industrial groups regarding acquisitions and corporate structural reorganization and is involved in projects regarding international taxation related to the study of transfer pricing, establishment of foreign holdings, and tax planning. LinkedIn

Andrea Cesari

Andrea Cesari

Born in Padua in 1967 and graduated in Economics and Business at the Cà Foscari University of Venice in 1994.
Member of the Padua Order of Chartered Accountants and registered with the Board of Auditors since 1999.
He has acquired significant experience in tax and corporate consulting both in ordinary and in extraordinary activities for operations such as: transformations, mergers, asset split, contribution of asset and liquidations.
He has carried out due diligence activity in M&A operations.

Massimo Degli Agostini

Massimo Degli Agostini

Born in Padua in 1970 and graduated in Economics and Commerce at the Cà Foscari University of Venice in 1997.
Member of the Padua Order of Chartered Accountants and registered with the Board of Auditors since 2002.
He has acquired significant experience in tax, accounting and financial statements consulting.
He advises companies, professionals and individuals for ordinary and extraordinary transactions, contractual advice and direct and indirect taxation problems.
He holds Statutory Auditor of corporations.

Emanuele Vazzoler

Emanuele Vazzoler

Born in Conegliano (TV) in 1977 and a 2002 graduate with a four-year degree in Economics and Business and subsequently a Master’s degree with honours in Economics and Finance (Financial Intermediaries) from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in 2006.

He holds an IMEF Master in Quantitative Finance from the same University (2007-2008) and executive program in Valuation at the Stern School of Business of New York (2009). Member of the Padua Order of Chartered Accountants and the Board of Auditors since 2013.

From 2002 to 2006 he completed training activities for the certified accountant license in an associated firm in Castello Roganzuolo (TV).

From 2008 to 2010 he served as senior financial analyst in the Caretti & Associati corporate finance boutique where he acquired experience in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) as well as debt restructuring. From 2010 to 2014 he supervised extraordinary corporate finance transactions, business valuation, and corporate restructuring at ComLegal.

Currently provides independent consulting services for companies and professionals on extraordinary financial transactions and debt restructuring, as well as on ordinary finance issues (analysis of business performance, assistance in the development of business plans and/or industrial plans, and assistance in the structuring of financing operations).


Leopoldo Mason

Leopoldo Mason

Born in Camposampiero (PD) in 1980 graduated in Economics and Business at the Cà Foscari University of Venice in 2005.
He attended a specialization course in corporate finance at “School of high formation of Tre Venezie” (2018-2019). Member of the Padua Order of Chartered Accountants and registered with the Board of Auditors since 2009.
From 2006 to 2008 he has carried out his internship as Chartered Accountant at an associated firm in Castelfranco Veneto (TV); he has been working since 2009 as partner in an associated firm in Camposampiero (PD), where he has gained significant experience in business crisis and in debt restructuring.
Since 2009 he is carrying out activities as Curator and Judicial Commissioner in the jurisdiction of the Court of Padua. Currently he is working as financial Advisor for companies dealing with operations of debt restructuring and also attesting debt restructuring plans and arrangements with creditors.


Giuseppe Galati

Giuseppe Galati

Born in Catania on 6 November 1996 and graduated in Economics and Law from the University of Padua.

In parallel with his studies, he worked in the company, gaining experience in the administrative organization and operational flows

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